Educational Research
Educational Research
Rainbow District School Board recognizes the value and importance of research. Each year, the Rainbow District School Board receives many requests to conduct research within Rainbow Schools.
Here is the procedure for obtaining approval to conduct research:
- Complete the application form in full. Applications are accepted twice a year. Submissions are due before October 31 and January 31.
- The Educational Research Council (ERC) meets as required to consider applications. At this time, the ERC will approve the request, provide suggestions for revisions that would make the request acceptable, or reject the application. If the application is denied, the objections will be outlined in writing to the applicant who then may revise the proposal and reapply for approval.
- It should be noted that ERC’s approval of the project is in no way binding upon the subjects or parties concerned. It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain the required consent of all parties and individuals involved in the proposed project.
- After the research is completed, a summary must be given to the Board. As well, the entire research report should be available if requested by the Board.
- The Board has final veto power.
Please see the attachments below for more information.
Guidelines for application submissions:
- Please send the application directly to Rainbow District School Board, at the Centre for Education, 408 Wembley Drive, Sudbury, ON P3E 1P2
- Preference is given to faculty research, followed by graduate and undergraduate research. Undergraduate research requests should not normally require more than about 40-50 subjects. Requests for large scale testing of subjects will likely be refused.
- Research requests MUST be accompanied by evidence of ethics approval. Requests will NOT be considered before/without ethics approval. Student researchers are strongly advised to consider whether they will have sufficient time to compete their projects.
- Preference will be given to projects with educational merit.
- Permission by the Board to conduct research does not guarantee access to specific schools. Researchers are cautioned that obtaining parental consent represents a significant additional undertaking.
- Incomplete applications (no consent letters, unclear testing materials, etc.) and unprofessional applications (messy, poorly written or presented) will be rejected.
Deadline to submit applications are October 31 and January 31 of each year.