Google Translate Limitations Disclaimer

The electronic translation service on the Rainbow District School Board website is provided by Google Translate, a free third-party service.

Rainbow District School Board does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, correctness or completeness of any translated information.

Translations are generated electronically and are not verified by qualified translators in the language of choice.

The translations are intended to capture the overall intent of the original material presented in English.

Before you act on translated information, please confirm any facts that are important to you or may affect any decisions you make.

Our goal in providing this tool is to make information more accessible to families whose first language is not English.

Thank you.

Our Values

Photo of two students holding hands.


We are leaders in learning, inspiring success for all students by reaching minds and touching hearts.


Together, we prepare students to become lifelong learners, achieving their full potential as confident, caring members of society.


  • Humility
  • Bravery 
  • Honesty 
  • Wisdom
  • Truth 
  • Respect 
  • Love
  • Resilience
  • Equity
  • Community

Seven Grandfather Teachings


  • Student Success and Achievement
  • Literacy and Numeracy
  • Truth and Reconciliation
  • Mental Health and Well-Being
  • Environmental Education and Sustainability
  • Equity and Inclusive Education