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Go Green

Rainbow Schools Go Green Visez Vert logo

Green is part of our Rainbow

In Rainbow Schools, we are developing global citizens who care about the world in which they live. We are fostering a culture of conservation, implementing green technology, and encouraging eco-friendly practices.

Rainbow District School Board is proud to be a leader in green technology in Northern Ontario. The board opened its first green school in 2007, its second green school in 2009, and its third in 2014. Green technology is being implemented in a number of schools as part of our ongoing renewal efforts.

Please take a few minutes to explore how our students are taking care of the world, and, in the process, making a difference.

Sustainability in Rainbow Schools

This book is a celebration of success in sustainability in Rainbow Schools in Sudbury, Espanola and Manitoulin.

We welcome this opportunity to invite you to join the journey. May it inspire you and others to follow in our footsteps.

Energy Consumption

Under the Ministry of Energy’s Green Energy Act, broader public sector organizations, such as school boards, are required to report on the energy consumption of their sites through an annual Green Energy Act (GEA) report.

See below for a copy of the latest Rainbow District School Board Energy Consumption Report.

Energy Conservation

See below for a copy of the latest Rainbow District School Board Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan.