Register Now!
Kindergarten Registration
Is your child starting school for the very first time?
To register for Kindergarten, children must be four years old by the end of the current calendar year.
Please complete the fillable Elementary Registration Form below.
Once complete, please contact school staff or email the form directly to the school. The form can also be sent to [email protected].
NOTE: The registration process is not complete until school staff review your child’s identification documents, including:
- Proof of address (Utility/tax bill, residential purchase/lease agreement, residential phone/Internet bill)
- Proof of birth (Birth Certificate, Canadian Passport, birth registration, or citizenship card)
- Proof of custody where applicable (Custody orders, court-ordered guardianship)
- Immunization records
To learn more, call your area Rainbow school, email [email protected], or call 705-674-3171 or 1-888-421-2661.
Elementary Registration
To register your child, please complete the registration below and contact your area Rainbow School.
Looking to register for Grade 7 and 8?
Once complete, please contact school staff or email the form directly to the school.
The form can also be sent to [email protected].
Secondary schools with Grades 7 and 8:
Chelmsford Valley District Composite School (K to 8 – EP & FI)
Confederation Secondary School (Grades 7 and 8 – EP)
Lasalle Secondary School (Grades 7 and 8 – EP & FI)
Lively District Secondary School (Grades 7 and 8 – EP & FI)
Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School (Grades 7 and 8 – EP & FI)
EP – English Program
FI – French Immersion
Secondary Registration
Download the registration form below to register today.
Adult Education Registration
Are you 21+ years of age and looking to register at the Adult Day School?
Please complete the registration form below.
Barrydowne College
Barrydowne College is for students 18 to 21 who want to return to secondary school and earn a high school diploma.
To register at Barrydowne College, visit their website at the link below.