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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Algonquin Road Public School student steps up for families in Haiti

Rilynn Mack, a Grade 4 student at Algonquin Road Public School, has stepped up to help families in Haiti by collecting used shoes for Souls4Soles.

A registered charitable organization, Soles4Souls provides relief through the distribution of shoes and clothing around the world.

For this campaign, shoes are delivered to women in Haiti who clean them up and sell them. Profits are used to purchase land, build homes, and provide food, clothing and a proper education for children.

Rilynn’s idea came to fruition during a visit to BioPed Sudbury, where staff were collecting shoes for Haiti. After inquiring about the cause, Rilynn decided to help by hosting a shoe drive at her school.

Throughout the month of November, a bin was placed in the school’s foyer. Thanks to the generosity of students, staff and families, Rilynn was able to collect a total of 360 pairs of shoes.

“Through this act of kindness, Rilynn has contributed to the health and happiness of many families in Haiti,” says her teacher Natalie Zinn. “We are extremely proud of her efforts.”

Adds Algonquin Road Public School Principal Trevor Dewit: “On behalf of Rilynn, and the entire school community, I extend a heartfelt thanks to all those who donated shoes for this initiative.”


Media Contact:

Trevor Dewit, Principal, Algonquin Road Public School
Rainbow District School Board, 705-522-3171

Rilynn Mack
Rilynn Mack, a Grade 4 student at Algonquin Road Public School, has stepped up to help families in Haiti by collecting 360 pairs of used shoes. The shoes are being distributed through the charitable organization Souls4Soles. Once delivered, shoes are cleaned and sold. Profits are used to purchase land, build homes, and provide food, clothing and a proper education for children.