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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Judy Hunda acclaimed Chair / Tyler Campbell acclaimed Vice-Chair


At the annual organizational meeting of Rainbow District School Board held on Tuesday, December 16th, 2008, Judy Hunda was acclaimed Chair of the Board. Trustee Tyler Campbell was acclaimed Vice-Chair.

Judy Hunda has been Chair of Rainbow District School Board for the past year. Prior to her election as Chair, she served as Vice-Chair for four years. Elected to the Board in 1997, she has represented residents of Area 6 in the City of Greater Sudbury since the creation of Rainbow District School Board. Chair Hunda has been a member of the Board’s Parent Involvement Committee and is a former School Council Chair. She is also a past Chair and current member of the Board’s Special Education Advisory Committee.

Chair Hunda has been extensively involved in the educational community for more than 20 years locally and provincially. She is a past member of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) and continues to be actively involved in the organization. She has also been invited to be a member of a number of Ministry panels and round table discussions. She is a graduate of MacLeod Public School and Lockerby Composite School.

Chair Hunda thanked trustees for their support. “I welcome the opportunity to continue serving in a leadership role,” she said. “Rainbow District School Board trustees are dedicated to public education and the students and communities they represent. We have much to be proud of and I look forward to another exciting year in Rainbow Schools.”

Born and raised in Sudbury, Trustee Tyler Campbell is a Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School graduate. He has an Honours Bachelor of Commerce in Sports Administration degree from Laurentian University. Trustee Campbell, who represents residents of Area 2 in the City of Greater Sudbury, was elected to the Board in 2003 and acclaimed in 2006.  He was elected Vice-Chair of the Board in December 2007. Over the years, he has been a member of several committees including the Negotiating Committee, the Technology Committee and the Accessibility Committee. 

In the fall of 2005, he was appointed to the Accessibility Standards Advisory Council of Ontario, which advises the Minister of Community and Social Services on accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities.  Trustee Campbell is currently the Executive Director of Our Children, Our Future. Trustee Campbell has been Rainbow District School Board’s voting delegate to the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) for the past three years. He was re-appointed to this role for 2009.


Media Contact:
Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor,
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning,
Rainbow District School Board, 705.674.3171, ext. 7217.