What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?
Lessons Learned from the Columbine High School Shooting with Retired Principal Frank DeAngelis
Lessons Learned
from the Columbine High School Shooting
with Retired Principal Frank DeAngelis
The retired principal of Columbine High School, Frank DeAngelis, faced an unimaginable crisis in 1999 when two students opened fire at his school in Colorado. In the aftermath of one of the deadliest school shootings in history, he rebuilt the climate and culture of the school and, in the process, restored the faith of the community.
Frank DeAngelis will deliver a special presentation for the community on Monday, April 11, 2022, from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Caruso Club in Sudbury or virtually through a zoom link. Everyone is welcome to join the free presentation on Lessons Learned from the Columbine High School Shooting.
As he connects his traumatic experience to the COVID-19 pandemic, Frank DeAngelis will offer timely strategies, coping mechanisms, and messages of hope that will support our community to heal and move forward. A panel will join him to share the direction for the future.
This presentation, being hosted by the Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) Steering Committee, will be of special interest to first responders, healthcare staff, educators, social workers, mental health personnel and parents/guardians.
The Violence Threat Risk Assessment Steering Committee brings community partners together to provide a collaborative response to an individual of concern’s threat making behaviours. The goal is to keep the community safe by intervening before a violent incident occurs.
Frank DeAngelis served as an educator for the Jeffco School District in Littleton Colorado since 1979, starting as a Social Studies teacher and filling the roles of Head Baseball Coach, Assistant Football Coach, Dean of Students, and Assistant Principal, before becoming the Principal of Columbine High School in 1996. He retired in June of 2014 after 35 years at Columbine High School.
A Colorado native, Frank DeAngelis completed his K-12 education in Denver-area schools, graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Metropolitan State College and a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education and Social Studies from the University of Colorado. He later earned his Principal’s License and Master’s Degree from the University of Phoenix.
Frank DeAngelis has been involved in numerous professional activities and associations, and has received multiple awards for his teaching, leadership and coaching skills. A national-level speaker, he has addressed numerous professional and school audiences on the topic of recovery after a school-based tragedy. He has visited, consulted and assisted school communities across the country following incidents of violence and tragedy, including Platte Canyon, Chardon, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook.
Throughout his lifetime of service as an educator, Frank DeAngelis received numerous awards and recognitions. He was selected as Colorado High Principal of the Year and was one of the three finalists for National Principal of the Year.
He recently received the Jefferson County Lifetime Achievement Award and the Gandhi, King, Ikeda Community Builders Award. He is presently serving as a consultant for safety and emergency management for the Jeffco School District in Colorado, and continues to travel nationally and internationally, speaking and consulting.
Please contact Anna Barsanti [email protected] to register for the in-person session or further information.
If you plan to join virtually, here is the link:
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join. https://zoom.us/s/98501297367