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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Lo-Ellen Park students perform in prestigious Canadian Junior Honour Band

Four students from Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School have been accepted into the prestigious Soho Sound Canadian Junior Honour Band. The virtual ensemble is made up of the best student musicians in Grades 6 to 9 from across Canada.

Grade 9 students Mirko Ruberto (flute), Gurjas Bhatia (alto saxophone), Lia Thompson Nelson (alto saxophone) and Deborah Mukwakwami (trumpet) were selected following auditions.

Soho Sound Canadian Junior Honour Band members partner with esteemed university music educators from across the country in the virtual preparation and presentation of concert band works under the direction of Cheryl & Darryl Ferguson.

All musicians receive a masterclass from an esteemed university instructor.

The experience culminates with the international release of a professionally mastered performance, compiled using student recordings, under the auspices of the Coalition for Music Education on Music Monday May 6, 2024.


Media Contact:

Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor,
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning,
Rainbow District School Board, 674-3171, ext. 7217.

Photo: Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School students Mirko Ruberto, left, Lia Thompson Nelson and Gurjas Bhatia, along with Deborah Mukwakwami, have been selected for the 2024 Soho Sound Canadian Junior Honour Band.