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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Lockerby Composite School students explore education and culture in China

Six students from Lockerby Composite School have returned from a once-in-a-lifetime educational exchange in Ningbo, China. The exchange took place from November 24th to December 4th, 2018.

“Rainbow District School Board’s International Program enables students to experience cultural and academic collaboration between two diverse cultures,” says Director of Education Norm Blaseg. “It is a wonderful learning opportunity for all.”

During their visit, students stayed with host families who graciously welcomed them into their homes.

“An exchange creates lifelong memories for students, while strengthening global relatonships,” says Principal Craig Runciman. “Rainbow International offers students the opportunity to witness the beauty of the world through education.”

The ten-day trip was filled with educational activities at Siming High School, in the host city of Ningbo, where students immersed themselves in traditional Chinese culture with Tai Chi, dumpling making, embroidery and painting.

Students visited the city of Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Wuzhen, also known as the Venice of China. Students took part in various site-seeing expeditions in the Bund in Shanghai, Tianyi Pavilion, West Lake, Crescent Moon Lake and several museums.

“On behalf of students, I extend a heartfelt thank you to the host families in Canada and China for creating lifelong memories for our students,” says Lockerby Composite School Principal Craig Runciman.

He added: “I also extend a special thanks to our students for being fantastic ambassadors, and embracing the experience of traveling together.”

The students from China visited Canada in the spring of 2018.

Plans are in the works for another exchange, which is set to take place in 2020.

To learn more about Rainbow International, click here:

International Students


Media Contact:

Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor,
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning,
Rainbow District School Board, 705-674-3171 ext. 7217.