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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Nesbitt Public School supports adopted sister in Haiti

Students at Carl A. Nesbitt Public School wore their pyjamas to school recently to raise money to support an adopted sister in Haiti, Guerfline Jospahat. Monthly events keep students updated about how the school’s support helps Guerfline in her daily life.

Student Council members who participated in the initiative included, back row, from left, Emily Hannah, Grade 7; Ashley Lavigne, Grade 7; Grade 5 teacher Lynn Laurin; Laura Roy, Grade 4; and front row, from left, Grade 4 teacher Jenn Deschenes; Josh Marunchak, Grade 8; Kayleigh Jeanveau, Grade 5; Emily Henry, Grade 4; Aaliyah Canard, Grade 5; Dara Palmer, Grade 6 and Cassyra Walia, Grade 6.