What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?
Rainbow District School Board Hosts Teacher Induction Program
Experienced teachers serve as mentors for new teachers
Rainbow District School Board Director of Education Jean Hanson welcomes new teachers Pina St. George and Jesse Brooks to Rainbow Schools. Pina St. George will be teaching at Wembley Public School when classes resume on September 5th, 2006. Jesse Brooks will be teaching at Confederation Secondary School.
Rainbow District School Board Director of Education Jean Hanson welcomes new teacher Jayson Stewart to Rainbow Schools. Jayson Stewart will be teaching at Espanola High School when classes resume on September 5th, 2006.
Rainbow District School Board Director of Education Jean Hanson welcomes new teacher Christine Beauchamp to Rainbow Schools. Christine Beauchamp will be teaching at Little Current Public School when classes resume on September 5th,
Over 100 permanent new teachers will join the Rainbow District School Board when classes begin on September 5th, 2006. They will receive special support during their first year in the profession as participants in the Board’s Teacher Induction Program.
“The first year can be challenging for new teachers,” says Rainbow District School Board Chair Dena Morrison. “The Teacher Induction Program was created to help new teachers make a successful transition into the profession. Pairing new teachers with experienced teachers as mentors throughout the year is a key component of the program.”
Morrison adds: “The single most important factor in student success is the quality of teaching. We are committed to helping new teachers develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes required for effective teaching and learning in Rainbow Schools. Experienced teachers have a significant role to play in achieving this goal. As mentors, they are invaluable resources and they appreciate the opportunity to share their wisdom with the new generation of teachers.”
Jean Hanson, Director of Education with the Rainbow District School Board, says the Teacher Induction Program has many benefits. “First and foremost, it helps us to attract, support and retain a highly competent teaching staff. It also helps to improve teaching practices among new and experienced teachers. This has a direct impact on student learning in Rainbow Schools.”
In addition to mentoring, the Teacher Induction Program includes a series of workshops on topics such as effective planning, classroom management, and organization. New teachers receive a binder with resource information. They also meet with their mentors throughout the year, for job shadowing, coaching and planning.
Media Contact:
Jean Hanson, Director of Education,
Rainbow District School Board, 705-674-3171, ext. 215.