What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?
Rainbow Schools mark Remembrance Day 2021

Flags will fly at half mast at Rainbow Schools in Sudbury, Espanola and Manitoulin Island as students and staff mark Remembrance Day on Thursday, November 11, 2021.
A.B. Ellis Public School
Staff and students from A.B. Ellis Public School will join the entire Espanola High School community for a virtual Remembrance Day ceremony on Thursday, November 11th at 10:45 am. This important event commemorates the sacrifice our veterans – past and present – have made to secure our freedom and democracy.
Assiginack Public School
Staff and students at Assiginack Public School will commemorate Remembrance Day with a virtual ceremony on Thursday, November 11th at 10 am. The ceremony will include a musical performance, poetry recitations, the laying of wreaths, and a video tribute to veterans connected to the Assiginack Public School community.
Barrydowne College
Barrydowne College will commemorate Remembrance Day with a special ceremony on Thursday, November 11th at 10:45 am. Staff and students will reflect on the significance of the day, and honour the courage and devotion of the brave men and women who have served and died for their country.
C.R. Judd Public School
Students from C.R. Judd Public School will create poetry, drama tableaus, videos and visual art reflective of their learning about the sacrifices men and women made for our freedom. On Thursday, November 11th, classes will take part in a virtual Remembrance Day ceremony. Students will perform choral poetry readings and songs, and representatives from each class will lay wreaths. Intermediate classes will attend the Capreol Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 179 ceremony at the Capreol Cenotaph. Students will also submit art, creative writing, and poems for the Royal Canadian Legion Poster and Poetry Contest.
Carl. A. Nesbitt Public School
Carl A. Nesbitt Public School and Ernie Checkeris Public School will join virtually for a Remembrance Day ceremony on Thursday, November 11th. Classes will take part in meaningful conversations about the importance of recognizing the day. The ceremony will include a school-wide reading of “In Flanders Fields” followed by “The Last Post”, a moment of silence, and “Reveille” and will conclude with “A Pittance of Time.”
Charles C. McLean Public School
At Charles C. McLean Public School, Grade 7/8 students will read accounts from soldiers, veterans and families, and will join students in Grade 4/5 in creating art with a Remembrance Day theme. Students in Grades 2/3 will send postcards to Canadian Armed Forces Members serving with Op Calumet (Egypt), Op Impact (Kuwait) and Op Proteus (Israel) through “Postcards for Peace.” Some students will engage in activities from Veterans Affairs Canada, create art to send to military penpals and participate in a virtual meeting with a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Students in Grades 4/5 will take part in the Royal Canadian Legion’s assembly in Gore Bay. The entire class will sing “God Save the Queen” and “O Canada”. Following a reading of “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae, staff and students will observe a moment of silence.
Copper Cliff Public School
Copper Cliff Public School students and staff will take part in virtual classroom ceremonies. The entire school will observe a moment of silence.
Cyril Varney Public School
Staff and students at Cyril Varney Public School will host a virtual Remembrance Day service on Thursday, November 11th at 10 am. Students will hear poems and watch a video that pays respect to the soldiers who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom.
Espanola High School
Staff and students from Espanola High School will join the entire A.B. Ellis Public School community for a virtual Remembrance Day ceremony on Thursday, November 11th at 10:45 am. The solemn ceremony will honour the sacrifice of former students and soldiers across the country. A memorial recognizing the dedication and bravery of past students who gave their lives in defense of our country and freedoms around the world will be set up in the main foyer leading up to Remembrance Day.
Lansdowne Public School
Students and staff from Kindergarten to Grade 8 will gather virtually on Thursday, November 11th for a ceremony to honour the sacrifices and efforts of the brave men and women who have and continue to serve. The ceremony will feature student art, poems and songs.
Little Current Public School
Little Current Public School will present a showcase of student art, poetry and videos. The presentation was created by the Grade 8 class and shared with the entire school.
Manitoulin Secondary School
Individually, classes at Manitoulin Secondary School will watch a video developed with student input. Also narrated by students, the video recognizes the significance of the day and the sacrifice made by veterans including Indigenous veterans. A musical version of “In Flanders Fields” is played by a Canadian artist during the ‘Manitoulin Roll Call’ – a listing of local soldiers who lost their lives in the world wars, followed by “The Last Post”, a moment of silence and “Reveille”. The video ends with staff laying wreaths at the Peace Pole in front of the school. Teachers can take time to discuss the meaning of the day with students and address any questions they may have. Wreaths will remain in front of the school for the day.
Markstay Public School
For Remembrance Day, classes from Markstay Public School will take part in classroom and community events. Students will learn about the importance of remembering through readings and creating poems as well as a mural. On Thursday, November 11th, students in Grades 7/8 will attend the Markstay-Warren Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph, and will livestream the event for other classes to watch. Students will lay wreaths and perform special readings.
Princess Anne Public School
To mark Remembrance Day, staff and students at Princess Anne Public School will take part in a virtual ceremony, including a presentation of flags, laying of wreaths, songs, artwork, and poems, followed by a moment of silence. The ceremony will be shared with families and the greater school community.
Queen Elizabeth II Public School
Queen Elizabeth II Public School will commemorate Remembrance Day with a virtual presentation for classes on Thursday, November 11th at 10:15 am. Students in Grade 2 will sing a special version of “Peace Like a River.” The presentation will also include videos and readings of remembrance. The ceremony will conclude with each class laying a wreath, followed by two minutes of silence.
R.H. Murray Public School
On Monday, November 8th, students from the Grade 7/8 class from R.H. Murray Public School visited Atikameksheng Anishnawbek to participate in a community Indigenous Veterans Day ceremony. Staff and students will recognize Remembrance Day in classes with a school-wide moment of silence at 11 am.
Redwood Acres Public School
Students and staff at Redwood Acres Public School recognize the importance of remembering the sacrifices of Canadians. A virtual ceremony will take place on Thursday, November 11th. Students will decorate the school for the ceremony, and classes will have roles including singing “O Canada” and reciting “In Flanders Fields.” The ceremony will end with a moment of silence at 11 am – commemorating the end of the First World War.
Westmount Avenue Public School
On Thursday, November 11th, all students and staff at Westmount Avenue Public School will conduct a ceremony in classes to commemorate the veterans and civilians from the world wars, and pay tribute to all Canadian soldiers. At the eleventh hour and the eleventh minute, they will observe two minutes of silence.
Media Contact:
Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor,
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning,
Rainbow District School Board, 705-674-3171 ext. 7217.