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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Winter MADness: Lasalle Secondary presents an evening of Music, Art and Drama

The Lasalle Secondary School Arts Department will host its annual “Winter MADness” celebration on Monday, December 11, 2017 at 7 pm in the school gym.

Everyone in the community is invited to enjoy an evening of Music, Art and Drama featuring Lasalle Secondary School’s talented performing arts students.

Doors open at 6:30 pm.

The school will be accepting monetary donations as admission.

This year’s event will feature music performances from the Lasalle Concert Band, Choir and Guitar Ensemble. Guests will enjoy variety acts as well as routines from the Improv Team.

The event will also feature a special performance by the Nickel City Wind Ensemble directed by David Young.

Art teachers will have student works on display in a gallery area at the back of the gym.

Raffle baskets, refreshments and bake goods will also be on sale.

Lasalle Secondary School is located at 1545 Kennedy Street in Sudbury.

To learn more, please contact Lasalle Secondary School at 705-566-2280.


Media Contact:

Maureen McNamara, Principal, Lasalle Secondary School,
Rainbow District School Board, 705-566-2280.