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Safe Schools

Rainbow District School Board is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students, staff, school visitors and community members.

In Rainbow Schools there are a number of initiatives in place to build a culture of caring and maintain safe schools.

Video Surveillance

Rainbow District School Board uses video security surveillance in its facilities to:

  • enhance the safety of students, staff, and community members,
  • protect Board and school property against theft and vandalism, and
  • aid in the identification of intruders and persons breaking the law.

Video security surveillance equipment is used in secondary schools and some elementary schools and may be used on school buses.

Personal information is being collected under the authority of the Education Act and used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). For more information, please contact the Principal.

Important message about the use of the Internet and electronic devices

The Internet and electronic devices have changed our world, offering unparalleled resources and associated challenges. As the technology has expanded, so have the implications related to the safety and privacy of students and staff.

Rainbow Schools remind students and parents/guardians that cell phones, digital cameras, personal digital and other electronic devices can be disruptive and must not be activated in class or during examinations and/or assessments without the permission of school staff.

Electronic devices must not be used in a manner that violates the privacy or dignity of others. This includes the use of cell phones with cameras (and similar devices) in washrooms, change rooms and any other areas where privacy prevails; taking photographs of a person or persons on school property and/or at school events without the permission of the person or persons being photographed; and posting photographs on the Internet and/or electronically transmitting photographs of a person or persons taken on school property and/or at school events without the permission of the person or persons in the photograph.

Using the Internet and electronic devices with care will ensure that the safety and privacy of students and staff remain first and foremost.

Safety first and foremost

Lockdown: In order to ensure the ongoing safety and security of students and staff, Rainbow Schools are required to practice lockdown procedures much like fire drills. Lockdown is the term used when there is a major incident or threat of school violence within the school, or in relation to the school. Doors are locked, blinds are closed, and lights are turned off. Everyone moves to the location in the room where it is most difficult to be seen from the classroom door window. Students outside of the building at the time of the lockdown are escorted to a predetermined gathering point at the school.

Hold and secure is the term used when it is desirable to secure the school due to an ongoing situation outside and not related to the school. In this situation, the school continues to function normally, with the exterior doors being locked until such time as the situation near the school is resolved.

Shelter in Place is the term used for an environmental or weather related situation where it is necessary to keep all occupants within the school to protect them from an external situation. Examples may include chemical spills, blackouts, explosions or extreme weather conditions.

The above terms are consistent for schools across Ontario.

Internal Hold and Secure is a term specific to Rainbow District School Board. Rainbow schools may implement an internal hold and secure when something is occurring inside the school and minimal movement is required. Students remain in classrooms. Teaching and learning continues.

Temporary Classroom Relocation: In limited situations, it may be necessary to temporarily relocate a classroom in order to support a student in need. This decision is guided by the dignity of the student and the safety of the class. Should a relocation occur, students will return to their classroom once the student in need has been supported.

Support during critical incidents

When there is a critical incident affecting a school, such as the death of a student, a team may go to the school to provide support. The team is made up of Rainbow District School Board’s Social Workers under the guidance of the Mental Health Lead. Additional resources may be called in, as required. Information may also be provided to parents/guardians on how to help their children after a crisis.

Fair Notice to Students and Parents
Community Threat Assessment Protocol

  • Rainbow District School Board is committed to providing safe learning environments for all students, staff, school visitors and community members. As such, we are an Assessment of Risk to Others (ARTO) Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) protocol partner, along with many other community organizations.
  • When a student’s behaviour poses a serious risk to the safety of others, the ARTO/VTRA protocol may be activated. The purpose of the protocol is to assess risk and create a plan to mitigate risk to others and to the student.
  • During times of imminent risk, the protocol will guide school personnel, along with protocol partners, to respond quickly to a threat and put measures in place to protect students, staff and the community. When an ARTO/ VTRA is activated, parents/guardians will be notified. The partners will share information and recommendations. Support and intervention plans will be developed.
  • The parents/guardians of the student have an important role to play in the process of gathering information and establishing a plan for the student, which will enable the team to evaluate and minimize risk.
  • If an imminent concern for safety exists and parents/guardians cannot be reached or if they choose not to provide consent to share information, the threat assessment process will proceed.
  • In sharing personal information, each individual’s right to privacy will be balanced with the need to ensure the safety of all. Student and staff safety is our first priority.
  • If you have any questions about the ARTO/VTRA protocol, please contact the Principal of your child’s school.