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Our goal in providing this tool is to make information more accessible to families whose first language is not English.

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Rainbow District School Board welcomes delegations to the Board in accordance with section 5 of the Board’s Governance By-Laws:

Any persons or delegations wishing to appear before or present a brief to the Board or a
Committee shall apply in writing to the Director/Secretary at least ten (10) calendar days prior
to the meeting at which the presentation is to be made.

The application shall state:
a) the matter on which the submission is to be made;
b) the name of the individual(s) (maximum 2) or the organization or interested parties to be represented;
c) the authority of the spokesperson.

A copy of the brief must be provided to the Director/Secretary no later than 1:00 pm at least eight (8) calendar days prior to the meeting. This rule may be suspended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at the meeting at which the person or delegation wishes to be heard.

An individual/delegation may only speak twice per topic regardless of the number of delegations they represent.

Any person or delegation may be denied the right to appear before the Board if the Chair deems the content to be out of order.

The presenter(s) shall be reminded by the Chair that the written brief has been included as back-up material in the agenda for the meeting and therefore, members will have had the opportunity to read the brief. The presenter(s) of the brief may speak for up to a maximum of 10 minutes in order to summarize the pertinent points in the brief and to outline the solution/action which is requested. Presenter(s) should then be prepared to receive questions from the members of the Board.

At no time will trustees or staff engage in discussion with the spokesperson or any member of the delegation except to clarify, through the Chair, a point made in the presentation.

The Board’s response, when requested, will be made through the Director/Secretary in writing at a later date, after the trustees have had the opportunity to discuss the matter and arrive at a decision.

For more information, please email [email protected] or call 705-674-3171, ext. 7236.