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Governance Policy

Governance Policy

Rainbow District School Board approved a new Governance Policy on March 25, 2014.

The Governance Policy has been developed to highlight and support the very important governance function of Rainbow District School Board. In addition to clearly defining the role of the Board, the role of the Director of Education, and the delegation of authority from the Board to the Director, it includes the following as policies:

1. Foundational statements which provide guidance and direction for all activities within Rainbow District School Board;
2. Strategic Directions for the district;
3. Expectations for the development of a positive learning and working environment across the district;
4. Directions to foster effective parent and community relations;
5. Guidelines for how the Board itself is to function and how individual trustees are to conduct themselves; and
6. Non-delegable matters such as policy-making, selection of the Director of Education, and evaluation of the Director’s performance.

This Governance Policy is intended to be supplemented by an Administrative Procedures Manual, the primary written document by which the Director of Education directs staff.  Administrative procedures must be entirely consistent with Board policies. The development of two separate and distinct documents is meant to reinforce the distinction in Rainbow District School Board between the Board’s responsibility to govern and the Director’s executive or administrative duties.

Governance Policy Table of Contents