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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Board establishes Five-Year Capital/Accommodation Plan

At its annual Accommodation Meeting held on December 2, 2008, Rainbow District School Board trustees established the Five-Year Capital/Accommodation Plan.

The Plan, approved as part of the ongoing revitalization of Rainbow Schools, included the following:

• Ernie Checkeris Public School and Westmount Public School be detwinned and that Ernie Checkeris Public School and Carl A. Nesbitt Public School be twinned effective September 2009.

• The outcome of the French Immersion program review by the Ministry of Education be monitored in light of the organization of elementary and secondary French Immersion program delivery in Rainbow Schools.

• The Sudbury Secondary School Revitalization Project be submitted to the Ministry of Education for consideration of Prohibitive to Repair (PTR) funding.

• Staff explore partnership opportunities with the City of Greater Sudbury for an enhanced arts facility at Sudbury Secondary School.

• An Accommodation Review Committee be considered for Sudbury South area schools at the December 2009 Accommodation meeting of the Board.

• The administration and support services be considered for consolidation into one site at the December 2009 Accommodation meeting of the Board.

• An Accommodation Review Committee be considered for the Espanola area schools at the December 2010 Accommodation meeting of the Board.

• An Accommodation Review Committee be considered for the Valley North (Chelmsford, Dowling, Levack) area schools at the December 2010 Accommodation meeting of the Board.

• Full-time early learning for four and five year olds be included in the Board’s planning for projected implementation in September 2010.

This plan is subject to review/revision at an annual Accommodation Meeting of the Board.

Rainbow District School Board’s Five-Year Capital/Accommodation Plan is posted online at


Media Contact:
Jean Hanson, Director of Education,
Rainbow District School Board, 705-674-3171, ext. 7215.