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Dare to Care

Dare to Care

All Rainbow Schools offer Dare to Care from Kindergarten to Grade 9.

With modules for students, professional learning for staff, and resources for parents/guardians, Dare to Care engages the entire school community in contributing to warm and welcoming school environments where students feel a strong sense of belonging and connection.

Students learn about the importance of being kind, the difference between bullying and mean moments, how to ask for help from an adult, and standing up for yourself and others.

Prevention and intervention strategies focus on social emotional learning with an emphasis on empathy. Through the program, everyone gains a deeper understanding of bullying, and, more importantly, develops tools to create a caring community.

Learning Modules

Kindergarten to Grade 2

  • The Importance of Being Kind and Bullying Behaviour versus Buddy Behaviour
  • Bullying versus Mean Moments
  • Discrimination and Intro to Racism
  • Broken Heart Activity: The Impact of Bullying
  • Tattling versus Asking For Help
  • Standing Up for Yourself and Others

Grades 3 and 4

  • Positivity Meter and Types of Bullying
  • Definition of Bullying: Conflict versus Bullying
  • Why Bullying exists: Silent Majority versus Caring Majority
  • Discrimination and Racism
  • Cyberbullying
  • The Imbalance of Power: Tug of War
  • Tool Belt of Skills
  • Practising the Tool Belt of Skills

Grades 5 and 6

  • Kindness Meter and Finding Your Greatness
  • Types of Bullying
  • Definition of Bullying: Conflict versus Bullying
  • Why Bullying Exists: Silent Majority versus Caring Majority
  • Discrimination and Racism
  • Cyberbullying
  • The Imbalance of Power: Tug of War
  • Tool Belt of Skills
  • Practising the Tool Belt of Skills

Grades 7 to 9

  • Positivity Meter and Types of Bullying
  • Iā€™m Tired of Hearing the Word Bullying: Conflict versus Bullying
  • Cyberbullying and Sexual Harassment: A Closer Look
  • Discrimination and Racism: Unacceptable, Full Stop!
  • Everybody Has a Story
  • One Person Can Make a Difference!
  • Lowering Our Waterlines: Image versus True Self