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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Confederation Secondary School OSAID Chapter celebrates responsibly

Confederation Secondary School’s Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving (OSAID) Chapter is gearing up for the holiday season.  To promote the importance of "celebrating responsibly", OSAID has organized several events. 

From December 15 to 18, 2009, OSAID will display the school’s Chain of Life in the front foyer.  “Each link in the chain represents an individual in the school,” said Principal Mike Mirka. “The chain represents the idea that we are all connected and intertwined.  When one link is lost, the chain is broken. We don’t want this to happen, especially with impaired driving during the holiday season.” 

Confederation Secondary School’s Chain of Life has two gold links in memory of Jasmine Houle and Steven Philippe who were killed in a tragic accident last June.  “These links will be there to remind us that although they are no longer with us, they remain a part of our school.” 

On December 19, 2009, from 9 am to 4 pm, OSAID students will be in the Hanmer Mall (in the food court and outside My Cousin Vinny’s) to promote the "celebrate responsibly" message.  Students will hand out red ribbons along with information on Operation Lookout and Project Red Nose.  They will also canvass for donations to attend the annual OSAID leadership conference in Toronto in May 2010. 

On December 21, 2009, from 6 pm to 8 pm, OSAID students will be guest speakers on Laurentian University’s radio talk show, The Learning Clinic.  They will speak out against impaired driving, and, once again, promote the "celebrate responsibly" message.   More information on the talk show is available at 


Media Contact:
Mike Mirka, Principal, Confederation Secondary School,
Rainbow District School Board, 705- 671-5948