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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

December 8: Lockerby hosts Winter Concert for Joan Mantle Music Trust

Lockerby Composite School will present a Winter Concert on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 7 pm in the school’s McKellar Auditorium. Admission is a monetary donation with proceeds going to the Joan Mantle Music Trust.

The concert will feature the Guitar Ensemble, under the direction of Harley Laalo, the Grade 9 music class, under the direction of Mike Jensen, and the school’s Concert Band.

“Approximately 100 students will take part in this festive occasion,” says Principal Craig Runciman. “We invite everyone in the community to join us for some wonderful music, showcasing our talented musicians.”

Lockerby Composite School is one of this year’s recipients of new instruments from the Joan Mantle Music Trust.

About the Trust

The Joan Mantle Music Trust was established in 2008 to pay tribute to a long-time educator who made an immense contribution to music education at the local, provincial and national levels. Joan Mantle passed away on June 9, 2009, after a courageous battle with cancer.

The Joan Mantle Music Trust allocates funds to school music programs in Rainbow District School Board on a rotating basis. The Trust also accepts the donation of new and used musical instruments and allocates them to schools in need. This ensures that there is an ongoing improvement in the condition of musical equipment throughout the Board, allowing for students to achieve more in their musical studies together.


Media Contact:

Craig Runciman, Principal, Lockerby Composite School
Rainbow District School Board, 705-522-1750.