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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Full focus on teaching and learning as new cell phone restrictions come into effect

In response to a directive from the Ministry of Education, Rainbow District School Board’s new Administrative Procedure on Personal Mobile Devices comes into effect when classes resume on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

“Eliminating distractions will protect instructional time and enable educators and students to focus on teaching and learning,” said Director of Education Bruce Bourget.

He added: “We thank our parents/guardians and students for their continued support as we work together to foster positive school climates for student achievement and well-being.”

For students in Grade 6 and below, personal mobile devices are to be stored out of view in their personal space and powered off or set to silent/do not disturb mode throughout the full instructional day.

For all Grade 7 to 12 students, personal mobile devices are to be stored in lockers or assigned personal spaces out of view and powered off or set to silent/do not disturb mode during the instructional period.

Access to social media sites will also be restricted throughout the school day.

Cell phone use will be permitted for educational purposes, as directed by an educator, and, in specific situations, for health and medical purposes and to support special education needs.

Mobile device use in secondary schools will be permitted before the start of the school day, at lunch and after school.


Media Contact:
Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor,
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning,
Rainbow District School Board, 705-674-3171, ext. 7217.
Administrative Procedure: Personal Mobile Devices
PPM 128