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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Lasalle Secondary School students learn about civic duty

Images of students, fire fighters and canadian armed forces with the Vimy Commemorative Fire Truck

Members of the Canadian Armed Forces met with students studying Careers, Civics and Social Studies at Lasalle Secondary School on Tuesday, November 29, 2016. Petty Officers, second class Morris Wadge and Geoffrey Mohr, delivered a series of presentations to Grade 10 students about civic duty and a career in the Forces. The visit coincided with in-class learning about the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Students in Social Studies will pay homage to Canadians who valiantly lost their lives in World War I and World War II during the 100th anniversary commemorative ceremony in France in April 2017.

Members of the Greater Sudbury Fire Services also visited the school to showcase the Vimy Ridge 100 commemorative truck wrap. In attendance were, back row, from left, firefighter Craig MacPhee, Sergeant Ghislain Cotton, Principal Maureen McNamara, students Jason Taylor, Randy Pitawanakwat, Sharleigh Peters, Carly Roy, firefighter Jesse Laronde, firefighter Jesse Fram, Petty Officers, second class Morris Wadge and Geoffrey Mohr; and front row, from left, students Sasha Hare, Keeley LeBreton, Kiera LeBreton and teacher Kathy LeBreton.


Media Contact:
Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor,
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning,
Rainbow District School Board, 705-674-3171, ext. 7217.