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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Lasalle SS supports Violence Against Women Awareness campaign

Staff and students at Lasalle Secondary School wore white ribbons on Friday, December 4, 2015 and took a pledge to end violence against women and girls.


Participants included, top row, from left, Christopher Patterson Piquette, Kaytlynn Seawright, Keegan Chum, Cheyenne Fordham, Jeremy Lavoie, and bottom row, from left, Mackenzie Mayes, Michaela Proulx and Enan Cotnam.

The Gender Studies class at Lasalle Secondary School, under the guidance of teacher Jessie Dupuis, spearheaded the initiative in support of the Government of Canada’s Violence Against Women Awareness campaign.

The support was in response to the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25th, and the 26th anniversary of the Montreal Massacre on December 6th.

“Our staff and students are proud to support the Violence Again Women Awareness campaign,” said Lasalle Secondary School Principal Maureen McNamara.

She added: “It was a time for us to reflect on these terrible tragedies and to help end violence against women and girls – now and for the future.”

Lasalle Secondary School invites the community to log onto and join the movement to #EndViolence.


Media Contact:

Maureen McNamara, Principal, Lasalle Secondary School,
Rainbow District School Board, 705-566-2280.