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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School’s charity basketball game a slam-dunk

Lo-Ellen Park staff and students

Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School’s Senior Girls’ Basketball Team hosted a charity basketball tournament on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 in support of the NEO Kids Foundation. The tournament included a series of 3 on 3 games, where each team pledged $50 to participate. In total, the tournament raised $3,500 for the program. Over the past two years, the school has raised some $8,000 for the charity. As a result, Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School will be the first school to be added to the NEO Kids Foundation donor wall in the new year.

Tournament participants include, top row, from left, Mr. Julian Collili, Mr. Dane MacVeigh, Mr. Larry Frank, Ms. Lisa Carruthers, Mireille DiMaio, Mr. John Oberthier, Jessica Juhas, Morgan Smith, Sami Dunlop-Bassett, Shannon Clarke, Ms. Jen Bourget, Ms. Miranda Lessard, Mr. Dan Monti, Mr. Mac Bertrand, Magic Lafraniere and Mr. Colin Ward, and front row, from left, Mr. Dave Rautiainen, Kate Dahmer, Julie Juhas, Taylin Legault, Kyla Bruni, Delaney Bourget, Steffi Leers, Maria Best, Jayme Anderson and Dylann Mazzuchin.


Media Contact:

Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning
Rainbow District School Board, 705-674-3171 ext. 7217.