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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Lockerby Kids Caring for Kids Cancer Drive Exceeds One Million Dollar Milestone

SUDBURY, ON – The Lockerby Kids Caring for Kids Cancer Drive reached a major milestone in 2022, raising over one million dollars for pediatric cancer research and care programs in partnership with the Northern Cancer Foundation (NCF).

To honour this milestone, Lockerby Composite School students and staff gathered at the Shirley and Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre to watch the unveiling of special recognition pieces commemorating their achievement. A cabinet filled with memories of Lockerby’s fundraising efforts now stands in the Cancer Centre lobby, and a plaque hangs in the pediatric chemotherapy waiting room acknowledging the generations of students and staff who have made a difference in cancer care. 

“We’re thrilled to have reached this milestone, but more than that, we’re proud of the impact we’ve been able to make for children in our community,” said Principal Lafraniere. “We know that every dollar raised has made a difference, and families across the North will benefit for years to come.”

Since its inception in 1995, the Lockerby Cancer Drive has created a lasting impact on young patients affected by cancer in our community. In 1998, the Cancer Drive took on a new significance after Lockerby student, Laura Cotesta, lost her battle with cancer the year prior. Today, both Laura’s legacy lives on through this event and the impact of the accomplishments of Lockerby students and faculty is on display for the community to see as they walk through the Cancer Centre doors. 

“We salute all those who came before us, including all of the students, staff, and community members who have supported the campaign, ensuring its solid foundation,” said Lockerby Composite School Principal Ryan Lafraniere.  “We are proud to continue to carry the banner forward in memory of Laura Cotesta and make this fundraising initiative a lasting legacy for our community.”

The success of the Kids Caring for Kids Cancer Drive is a reflection of the generosity and compassion of our community. Local businesses, organizations, and individuals have all contributed to the cause, making a significant difference in the lives of young patients affected by cancer over close to three decades of giving.

“We are so grateful for the support we’ve received from the community,” said Anthony Keating, President and CDO of the Foundations and Volunteer Groups at Health Sciences North.”The ongoing dedication of the staff and students of Lockerby is an inspiration, and the money raised will allow us to continue supporting vital services for our pediatric patients and their families.”

The Kids Caring for Kids Cancer Drive shows that when we come together for a common cause, we can achieve great things. Congratulations to all involved in reaching this incredible milestone, and thank you for your overwhelming and continued support in the fight against cancer. 

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Jessica Lopatka
Senior Manager,
Brand Marketing and Communications
[email protected]