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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Nominations being accepted for Joan Mantle Music Trust Community Award

Rainbow District School Board is currently accepting nominations for the Joan Mantle Music Trust Community Award. The award honours Joan Mantle’s positive impact on music and music education within Rainbow District School Board and the broader community.
If you know someone who shares Joan Mantle’s passion for music education for all ages, has had a positive impact on music in the community, promotes lifelong music education and serves as an inspiration to others through their musical contributions and accomplishments in the community, consider nominating them for the Joan Mantle Music Trust Community Award. 
Individuals or organizations from the community served by the Board who have had a significant impact on music and/or music education at the elementary, secondary, postsecondary and/or community levels are eligible. The deadline for nominations is Thursday, January 15, 2015.
For more information, including a nomination form, visit and click on “community”. The award will be presented at the International Dinner in support of the Trust on Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 6 pm at the ParkSide Centre in Sudbury.
Sylvia Carscadden, founder and director of the Kampana Bells, was the inaugural recipient of the award in 2014. She said music teachers don’t always realize the tremendous impact they have on a person’s life. “I want to reinforce to teachers the great influence they have on their students,” she said. “Music teachers provided experiences and opportunities that formed my appreciation of quality and the discipline of excellence. But most importantly, they made an extra effort to share what they loved. It has had a lasting impact on my life and I am truly honoured to receive this wonderful award.”
The Joan Mantle Music Trust pays tribute to a long-time educator who made an immense contribution to music education at the local, provincial and national levels. Joan Mantle passed away on June 9, 2009, after a courageous battle with cancer. 
The Joan Mantle Music Trust allocates funds to school music programs in Rainbow District School Board on a rotating basis. The Trust also accepts the donation of new and used musical instruments and allocates them to schools in need. This ensures that there is an ongoing improvement in the condition of musical equipment throughout the Board, allowing for students to achieve more in their musical studies together.
Media Contact:
Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor, 
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning, 
Rainbow District School Board, 705.674.3171, ext. 7217.