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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Rainbow District School Board 2011-2012 Annual Report at

Rainbow District School Board’s Annual Report for the 2011-2012 school year is now available online.

School Boards are required to produce an Annual Report in accordance with The Education Act. The Annual Report provides an overview of the key activities undertaken by Rainbow District School Board to address its strategic priorities during the 2011-2012 school year. It also offers an overview of the current Board budget.

“The many policies, programs and projects adopted by the Board focused on the priorities in Strategic Directions, namely, to ensure success for all, to provide efficient resource management and to promote succession planning,” said Board Chair Doreen Dewar. “The Board reaffirmed its commitment to all learners in all areas – early learning, special education, First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education, French as a Second Language, character development, equity and inclusive education, and adult education. The Board also continued to nurture parental involvement and promote community use of schools.”

“Under the leadership of elected officials, staff worked diligently to implement strategies to achieve each priority,” said Director of Education Norm Blaseg. He added: “The achievements in this Annual Report offer a snapshot of a school year filled with progress. They also attest to the ever-growing circle of support fostering student success at school, at home and in the community. Students are becoming confident, well-rounded, critical thinkers.”

Copies of the 2011-2012 Annual Report can be obtained at the Board Office, Centre for Education, 408 Wembley Drive, and area Rainbow Schools in Sudbury, Espanola and Manitoulin.


Media Contact:

Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor,
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning,
Rainbow District School Board, 705-674-3171, ext. 7217.