What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?
Rainbow Schools celebrate Remembrance Day
Adamsdale Public School
Students and staff at Adamsdale Public School will gather in the gym on November 11, 2011 at 10:40 am to honour Canadians who sacrificed their lives during war and peace keeping missions. There will be the reading of poetry, singing, laying of wreaths and a special presentation of the Trews "Highway of Heroes" song to promote the Canadian Hero Fund. A moment of silence will follow at 11 am. Parents and guests are welcome.
Alexander Public School
Alexander Public School has a strong tradition of remembering the contributions and sacrifices of veterans who served during war, military conflict and times of peace. Students from JK to Grade 1 will participate in a Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday, November 11 at 10:30 am. Students will express their respect by singing the anthem, observing a moment of silence, and viewing a short presentation. Grade 2 to 8 students will participate in the Remembrance Day service at the Sudbury Arena. Each student will receive a bookmark to honour Veterans’ Week.
A.B. Ellis Public School
Local Legion veterans attended a ceremony at A.B. Ellis Public School on Friday, November 4th at 11:15 am. Following the singing of O Canada, the names of fallen soldiers from Espanola were read, including an A. B. Ellis graduate. Students also paid tribute to war heroes. Parent and community guests were welcome. On November 11th, students will observe a minute of silence to honour soldiers. A group of students will also participate in a ceremony at the Espanola Legion.
Assiginack Public School
Assiginack Public School will hold its Remembrance Day service in the school gymnasium at 10:45 am on Friday, November 11. Everyone is welcome.
Carl A. Nesbitt Public School and Ernie Checkeris Public School
On Friday, November 11, students and staff will gather in the gymnasium at Carl A. Nesbitt Public School at 10:45 am. The ceremony will commemorate the veterans and civilians from the two World Wars and will pay tribute to Canadian soldiers who are fighting today.
The ceremony will begin with students and staff singing the national anthem followed by a reading of "In Flanders Fields". Grade 3 students will present a poem. Grade 5 students will present a song. Students in Grade 8 will share videos set to music about the effects of war. All students will place a wreath at the front of the gymnasium in honor of the veterans. On the eleventh hour, everyone will observe two minutes of silence. Parents and guardians are welcome.
Central Manitoulin Public School
Parents/guardians and community members are invited to a Remembrance Day service on Friday, November 11 at 9:15 am in the school gym. Following the honour guard and singing of O’Canada, students from various grades will honour war heroes through songs, readings and poems.
Charles C. McLean Public School
On November 11, Charles C. McLean JK to Grade 5 students will attend a service in the gym. Parents, guardians, family and community members are welcome. Grade 6 students will attend and participate in the local Legion, Branch 514 Remembrance Day service. Grade 7 and 8 students will travel to Kagawong to participate in the Remembrance Day service, tour the veterans’ graves at the Kagawong Cedars Cemetery and visit the Old Mill Heritage Center.
During Veterans’ Week (November 4 to 11) Grades 6, 7 and 8 students will take part in many activities such as writing "How will You Remember?" postcards which will be sent to serving Canadian Forces members. Junior and Intermediate students will participate in the Legion Remembrance Day Literary Contest by submitting poems, essays and posters.
Chelmsford Public School
A Remembrance Day ceremony will be held at Chelmsford Public School on Wednesday, November 9, at 10 am. Members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Chelmsford Branch, will be in attendance for the assembly as well as the school community. On November 11 at 10:30 am, Grade 4, 5 and 6 students will walk to the Chelmsford Legion for the Remembrance Day ceremony at the cenotaph. Wreaths will be laid.
Churchill Public School
Churchill Public School will host an Assembly of Remembrance at 11 am on Friday, November 11.
Copper Cliff Public School
On November 11th, Copper Cliff Legion Branch 224 will host a Remembrance Day service in conjunction with Copper Cliff Public School at 10:45 am. The Copper Cliff Public School choir will sing "Shine a Light for Peace" and students will recite "In Flanders Fields". Members of the Copper Cliff community and surrounding area will have representatives at the Laying of the Wreaths, including the Legion, Branch 224, the Copper Cliff Community Action Network and the Copper Cliff Volunteer Firefighters.
C.R. Judd Public School
On November 11th, C.R. Judd will host a Remembrance Day service along with members of the Capreol Legion Branch 179. Students from JK to Grade 8 will contribute to the ceremony with various readings, including "Armistice Day", and a variety of songs, including arrangements of "In Flanders Fields" and "Farewell to Nova Scotia". Students and community members will continue the long standing traditions of laying wreaths and observing a minute of silence to remember the sacrifices of our veterans and soldiers today as well as in the past.
Cyril Varney Public School
A Remembance Day ceremony will be held for students from JK to Grade 6 in the gym at 10:50 am. The ceremony will begin with the singing of O’Canada, followed by readings from students and songs by the choir. In addition, various student representatives will lay wreaths in honour of those who have given their lives representing our country. Parents and family members are welcome.
Lansdowne Public School
On Tuesday, November 8th, students, staff and parents will gather in the gymnasium at Lansdowne Public School at 10:45 am to celebrate Remembrance Day. The service will be led by local veterans and members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 76. The ceremony will commemorate the veterans and civilians from the two World Wars and the Korean War. Lansdowne will also pay tribute to Canadian soldiers who are fighting today. Students will be involved in the service by presenting poems and singing songs. Some classes will also attend the community Remembrance Day service at the Sudbury Arena on Friday, November 11th.
Larchwood Public School
Students from JK to Grade 8 will participate in a Remembrance Day ceremony in the school gym at 9 am. Members of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 503 will lead the school in the singing of O Canada, reciting of the Act of Remembrance, observing of two minutes of silence and laying of the wreaths. A slide show will be viewed as the choir sings "In Flanders Fields". Older students will perform "Highway of Heroes" by the Trews. The Larchwood Public School Choir has also gratefully accepted the Levack-Onaping Legion’s annual invitation to open its Remembrance Day ceremony at the Onaping Community Centre at 2 pm. Students will sing "O Canada", "In Flanders Fields" and "Remember Flanders Fields".
Levack Public School
Levack Public School has had a long tradition of acknowledging the contributions and sacrifices of veterans who served during times of war, military conflicts and as peace keepers. Everyone will gather in the school gymnasium at 9 am on November 11th to observe Remembrance Day. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 503, with assistance from Kenny Rogerson, will lead the school in various activities including the singing of ‘O Canada’, reciting the Act of Remembrance, the Deposit of Colours, laying of the wreaths, and Marching off the Colours. Members of the student parliament have been trained by local Legion branch members to participate in the colour party.
Little Current Public School
The ceremony at Little Current Public School will be held on Friday, November 11th at 10 am. Veterans, Legionnaires and Sea Cadets will present the flag and their colours. It will culminate with the reading of “In Flanders Fields” and the laying of a wreath. A Grade 8 student will sing "Highway of Heroes" prior to the Little Current Sparks and Brownies leading the congregation in the singing of O’Canada.
MacLeod Public School
During Veterans Week, MacLeod Public School students and staff will explore poetry, songs, art and websites to create and write a variety of pieces that demonstrate their reflections about peace. Remembrance Day ceremonies in elementary schools are special events where those who made sacrifices for our freedom are honoured. The MacLeod school community will participate with songs, music, videos and silent reflection time. Parents, guardians and friends are welcome.
Markstay Public School
At Markstay Public School, November is a time of reflection as staff and students remember those who sacrificed and continue to put their lives on the line for our country. On November 10th at 11 am, Junior/Intermediate students will attend a ceremony hosted by the Municipality of Markstay-Warren. On November 11th, there will be a moment of silence and a special assembly for Primary students. Students will read poems and the Markstay Choir will perform.
Monetville Public School
Monetville Public School has gratefully accepted the French River Legion’s invitation to Remembrance Day ceremonies and activities in Noelville on Friday, November 11, beginning at 10:30 am at the Noelville Arena. The ceremony will include area children as they continue to build their understanding of the importance of honouring those who served in the wars. Monetville students have also entered the Legion’s poster, prose and poetry contest. Upon the completion of the ceremony, Monetville staff and students will attend a luncheon provided by the Legion.
M.W. Moore Public and Secondary School
On Friday, November 11th, M.W. Moore Public and Secondary School in Shining Tree will commemorate Remembrance Day with an assembly at 10:45 am. After the singing of O’Canada, a commemoration ceremony will include the sharing of poems and personal stories. Students will then proceed outside for the laying of the wreath and a minute of silence. The community is welcome.
Northeastern Elementary School
Northeastern Elementary School staff and students will attend a Remembrance Day ceremony in the school gym on November 11th at 10:40 am. Students in various grades from both the French Immersion and English programs will read poems, sing songs and lay wreaths in honour of Canadian soldiers from both past and present wars. The sign language club will sing and perform a tribute song to Canada. A moment of silence at 11 am will be observed with the playing of “The Last Post” and “Reveille”.
Pinecrest Public School
Pinecrest Public School hosted a Remembrance Day ceremony with the local legion on November 3rd at 1:30 pm. Staff and students will observe a moment of silence on November 11th.
Princess Anne Public School
At 10:30 am on November 11th, students will gather for a Remembrance Day ceremony, which will include class presentations of poems and readings on the significance of Remembrance Day. Representatives from each class will lay wreaths in honour of war heroes. The school choir and band will also perform.
Queen Elizabeth Public School
On Friday, November 11th at 10:15 am, students at Queen Elizabeth II Public School will assemble in the gymnasium for their traditional Remembrance Day service. Students from all grades will participate in the ceremony, which will include poetry readings created by students, choral readings by students and a song presented by the school choir. The service will culminate with the laying of the wreaths from each class and a minute of silence while “The Last Post” is played. Parents and guardians are invited.
Redwood Acres Public School
Redwood Acres Public School will hold a Remembrance Day service on Friday, November 11, at 11:15 am. Students will express their respect through the laying of wreaths, slide presentations, poetry, drama and music. In addition, the Grade 2 and 2/3 classes will write postcards for peace as part of Veterans’ Week activities.
R.L. Beattie Public School
On November 11th, students and staff from R.L. Beattie Public School will be involved in a ceremony entitled Children Know Peace. Grade 8 students will perform a shadow dance to the song “Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream”. Posters for the Peace Contest have been transformed into a video to the song “Une Colombe”. A Junior choir will also present their rendition of “Imagine”. Some SK students will present a poem called “Un Ami” to illustrate their understanding of peace. As well, Intermediate students will present the historical importance of Remembrance Day through a PowerPoint presentation. The ceremony will end with class representatives displaying poppies, doves and candles.
R. H. Murray Public School
On Friday, November 11, at 10:30 am students, staff and community members from R. H. Murray Public School will assemble in the gymnasium for their traditional Remembrance Day ceremony. Each class will have a role in expressing their respect. Classes will read poetry, sing songs, share stories and watch presentations to honour the day and develop an understanding of its significance.
S. Geiger Public School
On Wednesday, November 9, at 11:25 am students, staff and members from the Massey Legion will assemble in the gymnasium for a Remembrance Day ceremony. Students will share poetry readings, songs and presentations.
Valley View Public School
A Remembrance Day ceremony will be held at Valley View Public School on Monday, November 7, at 10 am. Members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Chelmsford Branch will lead the assembly. Grade 6 students will perform a choral reading of “In Flanders Fields” and Grade 7 students will share poetry which they have prepared for this service. Representatives from each class will lay a wreath in honour of the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces.
Walden Public School
Walden Public School’s Remembrance Day Ceremony will take place in the gym at 10:20 am. Following the singing of O Canada in Ojibwe, the Glee Choir will sing “A Pittance of Time” (in French) and “Highway of Heroes” accompanied by a multi-media presentation. Each division will lay a wreath at the front of the gym and observe a minute of silence during the playing of “The Last Post”.
Wanup Public School
Wanup Public School will commemorate Remembrance Day with a student-led assembly at 10:15 am. After the singing of O’Canada, poems will be read by some of the Grade 7/8 students. There will be the laying of a wreath and a minute of silence. Parents are welcome.
Webbwood Public School
An assembly will take place in the gym at Webbwood Public School at 1:35 pm on Thursday, November 10. Legion members from Massey will be in attendance. Students will watch a video and share poetry.
Westmount Public School
On Friday, November 11th, students and staff will gather in the Tessa Bonhomme Gymnasium to commemorate the veterans and civilians from World War I and II and pay tribute to Canadian soliders who are promoting peace around the world. The ceremony will begin with the National Anthem. Students will then share poems and stories and talk about the importance of the poppy. Students will observe two minutes of silence. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend. The school will accept donations for the Sudbury Legion.
Chelmsford Valley District Composite School
Community members and local legionnaires have been invited to join staff and students for the Chelmsford Valley District Composite School Remembrance Day service, which will be held on Thursday, November 10th at 10:15 am in the gymnasium. After the Honour Guard and National Anthem, all in attendance will commemorate and remember the sacrifices made by soldiers with short readings and a wreath-laying ceremony.
Confederation Secondary School
Confederation Secondary School hosted its Remembrance Day ceremony on Thursday, November 3rd from 10 am to 11 am. Chelmsford’s Legion members were in attendance.
Lively District Secondary School
Lively District Secondary School will host a Remembrance Day ceremony at 10:15 am on November 11th. It will include music, poetry and the laying of wreaths. The ceremony will culminate at 11 am with a moment of silence. All students from Grades 7 to 12 have been invited. Members of the community are also welcome.
Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School
On Wednesday, November 9th, students and staff at Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School will hold their annual Remembrance Day assembly from 9 am to 10 am in the gymnasium. The assembly will include remarks from Andre Paquette, Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Provincial Command President. There will be a cenotaph guard, a piper and colour party provided by the 200 Wolf Squadron. Lo-Ellen Park expects to have 10 to 20 cadets in uniform involved in the program. Members of the Royal Canadian Legion will also attend.
Manitoulin Secondary School
On Friday, November 11, Manitoulin Secondary School will hold its annual Remembrance Day assembly. The assembly will include a tribute to all veterans, past and present, with a focus on those from Manitoulin Island. The names of all Manitoulin Island soldiers who have given their lives for our freedom will be read. The Royal Canadian Legion will participate with the laying of a wreath. The school band will play a few songs including a special performance of “The Last Post” and “Reveille” and the vocal group will sing a musical version of “In Flanders Fields”. In addition to the annual assembly, students will have the opportunity to visit a Remembrance Day Exhibition at the Old Mill Heritage Centre in Kagawong (an annual event for MSS students), and participate in a presentation by a NORAD member.
Media Contact:
Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor,
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning,
Rainbow District School Board, 705.674.3171. ext. 7217.