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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Rainbow Schools invited to give the gift of caring this December

During the month of December, Rainbow Schools are invited to go green by sharing new or gently used scarves, hats and mitts for the Warm Kids Caring Community Challenge.

Staff and students are challenged to sift through their closets for unused warm winter items to donate to families, church groups, or public programs such as the Community Closet.

This Go Green initiative is part of the Environmental Committee’s ongoing efforts to encourage sustainable practices and increase awareness about how purchasing behaviours impact climate change.

“The fashion industry produces a substantial carbon footprint,” says Director of Education Norm Blaseg. “The greenest item is always the one that already exists.”

He adds: “The Warm Kids Caring Community Challenge presents an ideal opportunity to go green and support those in need during the cold winter months. ”

Rainbow District School Board’s Environmental Committee is issuing monthly challenges to staff and students throughout the school year.

Last month, Rainbow Schools took part in World Paper Free Day.

What will next month’s challenge be?


Media Contact:

Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor,
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning,
Rainbow District School Board, 705-674-3171, ext. 7217.