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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Rainbow secondary schools host Information Nights for Grade 8 students

Rainbow District School Board invites Grade 8 students and their parents/guardians to attend upcoming Information Nights at area Rainbow secondary schools. Representing Rainbow secondary schools are, from left, Jackson Picard, Sudbury Secondary School; Chad Methe, Chelmsford Valley District Composite School; Sydney Boivin, Confederation Secondary School; Lindsay Henderson, Lasalle Secondary School; Katarina Schwabe, Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School; Tiye Traore, Lockerby Composite School; Harmony Southwind, Espanola High School; Jamie King, Lively District Secondary School; and Anthony Manitowabi, Manitoulin Secondary School.

Grade 8 students and their parents/guardians are invited to Information Nights at Rainbow secondary schools in Sudbury, Espanola and Manitoulin.  All students are welcome to participate, regardless of which elementary school students currently attend.

To help in the process, Rainbow District School Board has produced a Guide for Students and Parents called “Making the Transition – Finding your way from Grade 8 to Grade 9.” The guide contains information about course codes, levels of study, timetables and tips. The guide can be accessed online at Copies are also available by emailing [email protected] or visiting area Rainbow secondary schools.

“Making the transition from Grade 8 to Grade 9 is a big step in a young person’s life,” said Rainbow District School Board Chair Tyler Campbell. “We encourage students and parents/guardians to take advantage of upcoming Information Nights to find out more about the programs offered in Rainbow secondary schools. We are here to help students make informed decisions about their future.”

Rainbow District School Board’s secondary schools offer exceptional opportunities in arts, athletics and academics, in English and French Immersion, in all program pathways – independent living, work, apprenticeship, college and university.

The Board also has five specialized programs – the Arts Education Program, the Science Technology Education Program (STEP), the Bilingual Trades Program, the School of Integrated Technology and the International Baccalaureate Program (IB). Busing to these programs is offered to students within Greater Sudbury.

“It’s important that students take the time to explore all of their options,” said Rainbow District School Board Director of Education, Norm Blaseg. “Tour our schools, meet the Principal, talk to teachers, see the facilities, and learn more about the dynamic programs that are offered in our secondary schools. The Guide for Students and Parents is also an excellent source of information.”

Schedule of Information Nights:

Confederation Secondary School (FI & EP)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 6 pm

Principal: Pablo Gil-Alfau

1918 Main Street, Val Caron

Phone: 705-671-5948

Sudbury Secondary School (FI & EP)

Arts Education Program

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 6:30 pm

Principal: Paul Camillo

85 Mackenzie Street, Sudbury

Phone: 705-674-7551

Lively District Secondary School

School of Integrated Technology

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 6:30 pm

Principal: Leslie Mantle

265 Fifth Avenue, Lively

Phone: 705-692-3671

Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School (FI & EP)

International Baccalaureate Program (IB)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 7 pm

Principal: Craig Runciman

275 Loach’s Road, Sudbury

Phone: 705-522-2320

Chelmsford Valley District Composite School (FI & EP)

Bilingual Trades Program

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 6:30 pm

Principal: Mike Mirka

3594 Highway 144, Chelmsford

Phone: 705-675-0225

Lasalle Secondary School (FI & EP)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

6 pm – Pasta Dinner

7 pm – Presentation

7:30 pm – Tour of School

Principal: Jeff McKibbon

1545 Kennedy Street, Sudbury

Phone: 705-566-2280

Lockerby Composite School (FI & EP)

Science Technology Education Program (STEP)

Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 7 pm

Principal: Heather Gaffney

1391 Ramsey View, Sudbury

Phone: 705-522-1750

Manitoulin Secondary School

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 6:30 pm

Principal: Laurie Zahnow

107 Bay Street, M’Chigeeng

Phone: 705-368-7000

Espanola High School

Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 7 pm

Principal: Martin Punkari

147 Spruce Street, Espanola

Phone: 705-869-1590

FI – French Immersion

EP – English Program

For more information about Information Sessions in Rainbow secondary schools, visit


Media Contact:

Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor,

Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning,

Rainbow District School Board, 674-3171, ext. 7217.