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What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?

Terry Fox Run: A long-standing tradition continues in Rainbow Schools

Throughout September and October, students in Rainbow Schools will once again put their feet to the pavement in support of The Terry Fox Foundation. Terry Fox Runs are held annually in communities across Canada to raise funds for cancer research.

Here’s a glimpse at what’s happening in Rainbow Schools:

A.B. Ellis Public School
A.B. Ellis Public School will mark their 42nd walk/run for Terry Fox on Friday, September 20th at 11:10 am. Last year, staff and students raised $1,949 for the Terry Fox Foundation. Community members are welcome to donate online at

Adamsdale Public School

Adamsdale will host a Terry Fox Run/Walk on Thursday, September 26th. The event will kick off with an assembly in the gym before the entire school community joins together outdoors to walk around the schoolyard and listen to music.

Algonquin Road Public School
Students from Algonquin Road Public School recognized Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope with a walk/run during physical education classes on September 12th and 13th. Students also watched a video about Terry’s lasting legacy. Donations are welcome through SchoolCash Online until Friday, September 20th.

Assiginack Public School
The Grade 5/6 students at Assiginack Public School will organize the Terry Fox School Run set to take place on Friday, October 4th. If students achieve the fundraising target of $3,500, staff will take part in an obstacle course challenge while sporting inflatable animal outfits.

C.R. Judd Public School
C.R. Judd Public School will host their annual school-wide Terry Fox Walk/Run in the schoolyard on Friday, September 20th. Students will wear stickers to display who they are running for. Classes will also learn about the legacy of Terry Fox and how to make a difference. Donations are welcome through SchoolCash Online until Friday, September 20th at the following link:

Charles C. McLean Public School
Charles C. McLean Public School will host a Terry Fox Run/Walk on the afternoon of Friday, September 20th. “Toonies for Terry” will help raise funds for this event.

Central Manitoulin Public School
Students from Central Manitoulin Public School are encouraged to bring in a toonie for a “Toonies for Terry” fundraiser in support of the Terry Fox Foundation. Staff and students will participate in a school-wide assembly to learn more about the Foundation and how their efforts make a difference. Staff and students will then take part in a community walk to honour Terry’s legacy and raise awareness about cancer.

Chelmsford Valley District Composite School
On Thursday, September 26th in the afternoon, Chelmsford Valley District Composite School will proudly participate in the annual Terry Fox Run. Students, staff, and family members will join together to walk throughout the community in support of the Terry Fox Foundation and its mission. A short assembly will be held following the walk where students will learn about Terry Fox’s inspiring legacy and his enduring impact on cancer awareness and fundraising efforts.

Churchill Public School
Churchill Public School will take part in a Terry Fox Walk/Run on Thursday, September 26th. Older students will buddy up with younger students to walk the perimeter of the schoolyard while others run. Funds will be collected in support of the Terry Fox Foundation.

Copper Cliff Public School
Copper Cliff Public School will host a Terry Fox Run on Thursday, September 26th from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Students learned about Terry’s goals and dreams during a recent kick-off assembly. The school community has been challenged to raise $1,400 dollars in support of the Terry Fox Foundation.

Jean Hanson Public School
Jean Hanson Public School will proudly participate in a Terry Fox Walk on Wednesday, September 25th. Staff and students will walk, use strollers or wheelchairs during a community walk or participate in a schoolyard dance party at various times throughout the day.

Lansdowne Public School
Lansdowne Public School will honour Terry Fox’s legacy on Thursday, September 26th with an assembly in the gym where students will learn about Terry and his Marathon of Hope. Students and staff will then gather for a walk around the schoolyard. Funds will also be collected for the Terry Fox Foundation.

Larchwood Public School
Larchwood Public School will proudly participate in a Terry Fox Walk on Thursday, September 26th. Students will gather in the gym for an assembly at 1:35 pm to learn about Terry’s story, his achievements and what makes him a Canadian hero during a special presentation by the Grade 5/6 class. Following this, students will share who they are walking/running for and the entire school community will gather outside for a walk in the schoolyard. Students and staff are encouraged to bring in a Toonie for Terry.

Lasalle Elementary School
Students from Lasalle Elementary School will take part in a Terry Fox Walk/Run on Thursday, September 26th. Students will learn about Terry Fox’s legacy and the Marathon of Hope during a kick-off assembly. Staff and students will collect donations in support of the Terry Fox Foundation through a school-wide fundraiser.

Levack Public School
This year, Levack Public School will proudly participate in the annual Terry Fox School Run to continue Terry’s dream of a world without cancer. Students will run/walk around the track on Thursday, September 26th. Students will also learn about the Marathon of Hope and the impact it has made on cancer research.

Little Current Public School
Little Current Public School will host a Terry Fox event on Friday, October 11th at 1:30 pm. Students will learn about Terry Fox’s legacy and the Marathon of Hope during an assembly, followed by a walk in the schoolyard and the surrounding community. Staff, students and community members are invited to make a donation in support of the Terry Fox Foundation online:

MacLeod Public School
MacLeod Public School will participate in the annual Terry Fox Walk/Run on Thursday, September 26th at 9:30 am. Students in Grades 3 to 8 will walk around Paris, York and Regent streets. Students from Kindergarten to Grade 2 will walk/run in the schoolyard. All are welcome.

Markstay Public School
Markstay Public School will host a Terry Fox Run on Thursday, September 26th in the schoolyard. The entire school community is encouraged to wear red and white. Primary students and staff will walk/run the perimeter of the schoolyard, while junior and intermediate students and staff will walk/run in the community. Toonies for Terry are welcome as well as online donations.

Monetville Public School
Monetville Public School will kick off the Terry Fox Walk/Run on Thursday, September 26th with a school-wide assembly. Students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 will walk/run a pre-established route in the community. Students were encouraged to donate a toonie in support of the Terry Fox Foundation.

Northeastern Elementary School
Northeastern Elementary School will host a Terry Fox Walk/Run on Friday, October 4th. Students will gather outdoors to walk around the school track from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm.

Princess Anne Public School
Students from Princess Anne Public School will walk/run for Terry Fox in our school community on Thursday, September 26th. Donations are welcome online and select community members can also donate by using the QR Code flyer provided.

Queen Elizabeth II Public School
Students from Queen Elizabeth II Public School will walk/run for Terry Fox on Thursday, September 26th at 2:15 pm around the school track. Prior to the event, students will learn about Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope. Donations are welcome online.

R.L. Beattie Public School
R.L. Beattie Public School will once again participate in “Nous continuons la course de Terry.” Last September, the R.L. Beattie community collectively walked and ran an impressive 5,847.8 km, covering the equivalent distance from St. John’s, Newfoundland to Medicine Hat, Alberta.This year, students and staff will continue Terry Fox’s cross-Canada run with a single-day effort. On Friday, September 20th, the school aims to cover the distance from Medicine Hat, Alberta to Graham Island, British Columbia, a total of 2,026 km, throughout the day. Grades 4 to 6 will run during the first block, Kindergarten students will run during the second block, and Grades 1 to 3 will run during the third block. Beattie families are invited to donate to the Terry Fox Foundation online:

S. Geiger Public School
Staff and students from S. Geiger Public School will participate in a Terry Fox Walk/Run on Thursday, September 26th at 1:45 pm in the schoolyard. Families are invited. Students will watch a motivational video from The Terry Fox Foundation and join together for a kick-off assembly. Online donations from families are welcome.

R.H. Murray Public School
On Thursday, September 26th, R.H. Murray Public School students in Grades 7 and 8 will present a slideshow they created about Terry Fox’s lasting legacy during a school-wide assembly at 2:15 pm. All students will then walk/run around the school soccer field. Family and community members are welcome.

R.L. Beattie Public School
R.L. Beattie Public School once again participated in “Nous continuons la course de Terry.” Last year, the school walked and ran an impressive 5,847.8 km – covering a distance equivalent to traveling from St. John’s, Newfoundland to Medicine Hat, Alberta. This year, staff and students continued Terry Fox’s cross-Canada race with a single-day effort on Friday, September 20th. Beattie families were invited to donate to the Terry Fox Foundation using the following link:

Redwood Acres Public School
On Thursday, September 26th, classes from Redwood Acres Public School will walk/run around the perimeter of the school for 30 minutes in honour of Terry Fox. Students will learn about Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope with various indoor activities. Students will also prepare their own messages of hope. Students are encouraged to bring in a Toonie for Terry. Parents/guardians can donate online using a QR code.

Valley View Public School

Valley View Public School will take part in a Terry Fox Run on Thursday, September 26th, weather permitting. The class that collects the most donations will earn one hour of gym time. The fundraising goal is $5,000. If students reach half of the goal, they can earn the opportunity to throw a water balloon at teachers while they ride bicycles around the track. Students can earn two water balloons if the full amount is raised. Students can also purchase Terry Fox t-shirts, collect monetary donations, or donate to the Terry Fox Foundation online:

Walden Public School
Walden Public School will host their annual Terry Fox Walk on Friday, September 20th. This event will bring together students, parents/guardians and family members for a community walk on a predetermined route. Families are welcome and encouraged to contribute to this worthy cause by making donations online.

Westmount Avenue Public School
Westmount Avenue Public School students will participate in a sensory walk outdoors on Friday, September 20th at 2 pm. Students are encouraged to make a donation and wear red and white.


Media Contact:
Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor,
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning,
Rainbow District School Board, 705-674-3171 ext. 7217.

Throughout September and October, students in Rainbow Schools will put their feet to the pavement to support The Terry Fox Foundation. Last year, Brody Perreault, a student from Northeastern Elementary School, canvassed the community and collected over $500 in honour of Vice-Principal Lisa Puddester.