What’s happening in Rainbow Schools?
Use the school screening tool for COVID-19 as part of your morning routine
Rainbow District School Board is now using the Province of Ontario’s new school screening tool for COVID-19 which can be accessed at rainbowschools.ca at the following link:
Parents/guardians are required to screen their children daily for any COVID-19 symptoms and keep them home from school if they are sick, have had close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19, have been advised by a doctor, health care provider or public health to self-isolate, and/or have travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days. Secondary students can self-screen and monitor for symptoms.
“Safety is a shared responsibility between the school, the home and the community, and families play a critical role in limiting the spread of COVID-19,” said Director of Education Norm Blaseg. “We remind parents/guardians, students and staff that they must screen for COVID-19 as part of their morning routine.”
Parents/guardians and students are not required to bring the screening results to school. They are required to review the checklist daily before leaving home.
The school screening tool will help parents/guardians and students determine next steps, including guidance on when to return to school. If symptomatic students do not get tested, they must isolate for 14 days unless all of the following apply – a doctor diagnosed them with another illness, they do not have a fever (without using medication) and it has been at least 24 hours since their symptoms started improving (if they had symptoms), 48 hours after the last episode of vomiting/diarrhea.
Students who test negative for COVID-19 can return to school if they do not have a fever (without using medication) and it has been at least 24 hours since their symptoms started improving (if they had symptoms), 48 hours after the last episode of vomiting/diarrhea.
Students who test positive for COVID-19 or are a close contact of someone with COVID-19 as determined by Public Health can return to school only when they are cleared by Public Health Sudbury & Districts to do so.
Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe.
Media Contact:
Nicole Charette, Senior Advisor
Corporate Communications and Strategic Planning
Rainbow District School Board, 705-674-3171 ext. 7217