Environmental Challenges
Monthly Environmental Challenges 2024-2025
We all have a role to play in caring for our planet, Mother Earth, Shkagamikwe.
Staff and students in Rainbow Schools will continue to focus on sustainability by participating in a series of environmental challenges throughout the school year.
September 2024: Develop of EcoCode and Bike, Walk and Roll to School
October 2024: Take me Outside Day and Waste Reduction Week
November 2024: Paper Free Day and Good On One Side (GOOS) Paper
December 2024: Divert Textile Waste and Waste-Free Lunches
January 2025: Get Cooking and Green Gatherings
February 2025: Sweater Day and Energy Challenge
March 2025: Fisheries, Conservation and Water Awareness
April 2025: Earth Day and Earth Week
May 2025: EcoSummit
June 2025: Planting Pollinator Gardens