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Other Programs and Services

Other Programs and Services

Adult Day School
Principal: Heather Downey
154 College Street
Sudbury, Ontario P3C 4Y2
Phone: 705-675-5481

Alternative Program Elementary
Principal: Coleen Eberlein
31 Tuddenham Avenue
Sudbury, Ontario P3C 3E9
Phone: 705-674-1221

Barrydowne College
Principal: Laurie-Ann Lielkalns
1400 Barrydowne Road, Main Office, Room 1455
Sudbury, Ontario P3A 3V8
Phone: 705-566-2302

Cecil Facer Secondary School
Principal: Marty Punkari
2500 South Lane Road
Sudbury, Ontario P3G 1C8
Phone: 705-522-0196

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Program
Principal: Coleen Eberlein
674 Kirkwood Drive
Sudbury,Ontario P3E 2X3
Phone: 705-674-1221

Co-operative Education
Contact: Jennifer Burns
408 Wembley Drive
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 1P2
Phone: 705-674-3171 Ext. 8229

Frank Flowers School Program
Principal: Marty Punkari
3200 Bancroft Drive
Sudbury, Ontario P3B 1V3
Phone: 705-522-3354

Indigenous Education
Principal: Nicole Nicolas-Bayer
408 Wembley Drive
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 1P2
Phone: 705-674-3171 ext. 8224

Jean Hanson Public School
Principal: Coleen Eberlein
31 Tuddenham Avenue
Sudbury, Ontario P3C 3E9
Phone: 705-674-1221

Mental Health
Contact: Sarah Clarke
408 Wembley Drive
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 1P2
Phone: 705-674-3171 Ext. 8220

N’Swakamok Alternative School
Contact: Heather Downey
110 Elm Street
Sudbury, Ontario P3C 3E9
Phone: 705-674-2128

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
Contact: Jennifer Burns
408 Wembley Drive
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 1P2
Phone: 705-674-3171 Ext. 8229

Principal: Daniel Koziar
408 Wembley Drive
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 1P2
Phone: 705-674-3171 Ext. 7272

Restart Program
Contact: Pablo Gil-Alfau
408 Wembley Drive
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 1P2
Phone: 705-671-5941

Special Education Programs/Services
Principal: Danielle Williamson
408 Wembley Drive
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 1P2
Phone: 705-674-3171 Ext. 8201

Student Success
Principal: Melanie Bertrand
408 Wembley Drive
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 1P2
Phone: 705-674-3171 Ext. 8226