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Our goal in providing this tool is to make information more accessible to families whose first language is not English.

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Occasional Teaching Opportunities

Occasional Teaching Opportunities

Occasional Teacher List

Rainbow District School Board is accepting applications for the Occasional Teacher Lists for the 2024-2025 school year. Please review the requirements below for new Occasional Teachers. Forms can be found below.

Current teachers who are retiring this summer or have retired are considered new applicants and must complete Appendix A and include an updated résumé along with references and TPAs.

Permanent Teachers who are less than full-time and are not currently on the Occasional Lists must apply according to the New Teachers application process outlined below, however; references and criminal background checks are not required.

Redundant Elementary and Secondary teachers must complete Appendix A in order to be included on the Occasional Lists.  Attachments, references and criminal background checks are not required.

New teachers who wish to be considered for the Board’s Occasional Teacher Lists must apply using the Board’s Occasional Teacher Application Package available below. All required forms and Appendixes must be completed according to the instructions contained in the Occasional Teacher Information Package.

Should you have any questions, please contact Taylor Zyma at [email protected]

Rainbow District School Board
Centre for Education
Attn: Human Resources
408 Wembley Drive
Sudbury, ON P3E 1P2

or by email to:

[email protected] 

Please submit documents as one (1) PDF file