EQAO Resources
EQAO Resources
The Education Quality and Accountability Office’s (EQAO) mandate is to conduct province-wide tests at key points in every student’s primary, junior and secondary education and report the results to educators, parents and the public.
EQAO acts as a catalyst for increasing the success of Ontario students by measuring their achievement in reading, writing and mathematics in relation to Ontario Curriculum expectations. The resulting data provide a gauge of quality and accountability in Ontario’s publicly funded education system.
EQAO distributes an individual report to each student who writes the tests and posts school, school board and provincial results on its website.
For more information, please visit eqao.com
EQAO Results
Results of Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) assessments show steady improvements over time.
EQAO results are an important tool for assisting schools and boards in identifying areas for continuous improvement. They provide one of many measures of how well students understand the expectations outlined in The Ontario Curriculum, and serve as a basis for the board, schools, teachers and parents/guardians to have a dialogue regarding strategies for the future.
Student assessment is most effective when data are interpreted in context, examined over time to determine trends in performance, and used to inform professional dialogue and school improvement planning.
EQAO assessment results are reported in two ways – “All Students” and “Participating Students”. The “All Students” method reports results that are based on all students registered in the program. The “Participating Students” method excludes students in the “exempt” and “no data” categories of the assessment.
Guides for Parents