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Elementary Summer Program 2024

Summer Learning Program for Grades 1 to 8

Note: All students must receive a recommendation from their school principal to attend the program. Recommendations will be based on student need for literacy and/or numeracy remediation.

Rainbow District School Board offers a Summer Learning Program for students in Grades 1 to 8.

The program aims to close learning gaps for students through targeted instruction in literacy and numeracy. The program also helps to maximize learning retention during the summer months

Classes will be offered 9 am to 2 pm daily.

Classes run Tuesday, July 2, 2024 to Friday, July 19, 2024.

There are a limited number of spaces available. Parents will be notified if their child has been placed in the program after initial registration has been completed.

Summer Volunteering

Grade 8 students in Rainbow Schools are being encouraged to complete community service hours this summer to get a head start on the 40 hours of community service they need to graduate from secondary school.

Need help this summer getting your hours for graduation?

See the volunteer requirements page for more information.

To learn more about our Summer School programs, please contact:

Principal: Dave St. Amour
Telephone: 705-690-2829
Email: [email protected]