Message for Parents
Message for Parents
Rainbow District School Board is committed to ensuring that every student with an exceptionality is provided with the most inclusive environment, enabling the student to fulfill his/her potential.
Rainbow Schools provide special education programs and services based on the following philosophy:
- All students with an exceptionality have a right to quality education.
- The education of children with exceptionalities is a responsibility shared by the school, the student, parents/guardians and Rainbow District School Board.
- All students with an exceptionality are an integral part of society, entitled to respect and dignity.
- All students with an exceptionality should have quality educational opportunities regardless of class, economic status, gender, ethnic origin or religion.
- The majority of students with an exceptionality can best be served within an inclusive education program.
- The array of needs of students with an exceptionality can best be served by a continuum of support.
- Programming is of utmost importance in any assessment or diagnostic procedure undertaken on behalf of students with an exceptionality.
- Communication and interaction amongst special education and regular education personnel must be ongoing and goal directed in support of students with an exceptionality.
- All students with an exceptionality share in the responsibility for learning and in the planning of their program, based upon maturity and capability.
Registration for Students with Significant Special Education Needs from Coterminous School Boards
Students from coterminous school boards who require an Intensive Support Program and/or who have significant needs related to academics and/or self-regulation and wish to register with Rainbow District School Board, must inquire with the Principal of Special Education by the last week of February prior to beginning the following September. This is to ensure the Board has the necessary program and support available to ensure student success. A member of the Rainbow District School Board’s Special Education Staff will schedule a meeting with the parent/guardian and the student, where appropriate, to gather the necessary information for the following fall. Rainbow District School Board will register the student’s elementary age siblings who reside in the same household into the Rainbow School within their geographic boundary as per the Education Act 33 (1) (b).