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Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship

Students in Rainbow Schools are being encouraged to be good digital citizens, with a focus on four areas – critical thinking and information literacy, creation and credit, health and protection, and presence and communication.

Posters were developed to promote digital citizenship in elementary and secondary classrooms.

Rainbow District School Board has a Digital Citizenship administrative procedure, as well as an Acceptable Use of Information and Communications Technologies administrative procedure for students, staff, parents/guardians, trustees and the community.

These administrative procedures have been developed to support the responsible, professional and appropriate use of information and communication technologies as it pertains to meeting the vision, mission, values and priorities of Rainbow District School Board in the delivery of curriculum in a safe and caring online environment.


The following resources are just a few that educators can access when fostering digital citizenship in our students. Web links can be accessed below.

Common Sense Education‘s resources, which include videos, posters, lesson plans and toolkits, are designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world.

Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology.

Created with students grade one to nine in mind, The Door That is Not Locked website provides a variety of resources and tools to help teach your students about Internet safety.

Digital Passport is intended for elementary students, and each module will introduce them to an issue facing students in the digital world and will allow students to earn badges towards their own Digital Passport. A teacher’s guide is included.

MediaSmarts is Canada’s centre for digital and media literacy. Two resources are OSAPAC licensed for use in our schools are available: Passport to the Internet and Reality Check. See the Computers in Education folder in First Class for login information.

Educating students about Internet safety can be difficult, especially with constantly changing technologies and classroom time constraints. Net Smartz resources can help!

Resource Websites

Common Sense Education
Digital Citizenship
The Door That is Not Locked
Digital Passport
Net Smartz