Supporting English Language Learners
Supporting English Language Learners
“This country is your country. It’s up to you to give your imagination, your talent, your view of the world. And you know what? I believe that nothing is impossible for children like you…who have courage, heart and a head brimming with ideas.” – Michaëlle Jean, Governor-General of Canada
English language learners bring to Ontario schools a wide variety of life situations and understandings and a range of educational experiences. Within the safe and welcoming classroom environment, teachers are given a unique opportunity to tap the rich resource of knowledge and understandings that ELLs bring to school, and which, in turn, enrich the learning of all students in the classroom. The role of the school and the teacher is critical in supporting their identities and development as bilingual learners, and in helping ELLs shape a vision of the future in which they will take their place as Canadian citizens in a global economy.
English language learners are a richly heterogeneous group. The paths they take to acquire a new language and to adjust to their new environment are also varied and in keeping with their unique needs and experiences.
Below are some useful resources for families of English language learners.
The Newcomers’ Guide to Elementary School
The Newcomers’ Guide to Secondary School
Tip Sheets
Dressing for Winter – Video