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e-Learning in Rainbow Schools

e-Learning Login

Rainbow District School Board provides a number of online secondary school courses throughout the school year as part of the provincial e-Learning strategy.

Each of the Board’s ten secondary schools in Sudbury, Espanola and Manitoulin offer at least one online course. Six courses will be available during semester 1 and 11 courses will be available during semester 2.

Through e-Learning, students can earn credits and achieve success. Rainbow District School Board teachers deliver the online courses using a learning management system that students will be able to access at school and at home.

Students can supplement their timetable with an online course, giving them greater flexibility and choice in completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Students can also take courses that are not available at their home school or not accessible due to scheduling conflicts.

The online courses will also provide a new learning option for students – one that maximizes the use of technology. e-Learning courses are very interactive. A wide variety of technology will be used to support online learning including electronic whiteboards, chat rooms, e-mail, and discussion groups.

Students can register for e-Learning courses through their Guidance Department.

Online Learning Graduation Requirement (With Opt Out Provision)

The Ministry of Education has introduced an online learning graduation requirement.

Students are required to complete two online learning credits during their four years of high school.

IMPORTANT: The Ministry of Education recognizes that in-person learning is the best delivery model for the majority of students and has provided an opt out provision for online learning. Students who would like to opt out will be required to complete a survey in the spring. There will be a link to an opt out form.

Online learning is most often referred to as e-Learning. e-Learning courses are asynchronous, which means students must be self-directed as they work through course content online. Teachers of e-Learning courses provide support, answer questions, and assess work. They do not teach lessons. Technology is required to access e-Learning through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Given that e-Learning students work independently, they require good time management skills and the discipline to complete course content on their own. Daily participation is essential to success.

Source: PPM 167

Access the resources below to learn more about the online graduation requirement.


PPM 167: Online learning graduation requirement
Getting started with e-Learning

e-Learning Courses 2024-2025

Rainbow District School Board is offering the following e-Learning Courses:

Semester 1

Course Code Course Title


CHY4U9 World History since the 15th Century
HSP3C9 Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology
SBI4U9 Biology
SCH3U9 Chemistry
SNC4M9 Science

Semester 2

Course Code Course Title
BAF3M9 Financial Accounting Fundamentals
CGR4M9 Environment Resource Management
CGW4U9 World Issues: A Geographic Analysis


EMS3O9 Media Studies
EWC4U9 Writer’s Craft
HIP4O9 Personal Life Management
HSB4U9 Challenge and Change in Society
SBI3U9 Biology
SCH4U9 Chemistry

Registering for e-Learning Courses

Students can register for e-Learning courses through their guidance department.

Tips for e-Learning Success

  • Log in daily
  • Read over content and instructions carefully
  • Create a support team (classmates, teacher)
  • Ask questions
  • Be aware of deadlines
  • Set aside a regular time and place to work
  • Watch the orientation videos and familiarize yourself with the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

To learn more, please contact [email protected].